Terms of Service

By inviting and using the "Detect Magic" Discord bot ("the Bot"), you automatically agree to the following Terms of Service ("Terms"). These Terms govern your use of the Bot provided by the developer of the Bot ("we" or "us"). By accepting these Terms, you acknowledge that you have also agreed to Discord's Terms of Service and meet all the requirements mentioned therein.

Rights to Use Our Service

You have the right to use our Bot as long as you comply with the rules and guidelines of the Discord guild ("server") in which you are using the Bot. Any misuse or violation of the guild's rules may result in the termination of your access to our services.

We reserve the right to permanently block you from using our services, deny support and/or services, or report you to Discord if we find that you have engaged in unauthorized or abusive use of the Bot or violated these Terms.

User-Generated Content

The Bot generates content based on user queries and interactions. We are not responsible for any content generated by the Bot that violates the rules or guidelines of the Discord guild or any applicable laws or regulations. You are solely responsible for the content you generate using the Bot.

Limitations of Liability

We shall not be held responsible for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential, or exemplary damages arising out of or in connection with the use of the Bot or any content generated by the Bot.

We make no warranties or representations, express or implied, regarding the operation, availability, or functionality of the Bot. We do not guarantee that the Bot will be error-free or uninterrupted.

Data Collection

We do not collect any personal data that you have not explicitly authorized. Messages are only processed when you initiate an action that requires it, such as the use of slash commands.

In order to maintain and improve the functionality of the Bot, we may collect and store a list of guild IDs ("server IDs"). These guild IDs are used for technical and analytical purposes, such as tracking the number of servers the Bot is active in.

We do not associate guild IDs with individual users or connect them to any personal information. The collection of guild IDs is solely for the purpose of optimizing our services and enhancing the user experience.

Modifications and Termination

We reserve the right to modify, suspend, or terminate the Bot or these Terms at any time without prior notice.